Buy Normacol Plus Sachets 7g Pack of 60 Online
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About Normacol Plus Sachets
Normacol sachets contain a natural herbal mix, designed to relieve constipation. Normacol Plus granules contain two active ingredients - both Stericulia and frangula bark are natural laxatives, designed to stimulate the bowel and allow for the formation of a softer stool.
Some patients may find that Normacol Plus Sachets isn’t as effective at treating their symptoms. Here at Simple Online Pharmacy, we have a number of alternatives available, including;
Practical Tips
Constipation can be a difficult condition to deal with. Try following these simple tips to help treat and prevent constipation;
Stay hydrated - drink plenty of water, especially during hot or dry weather. Your body draws water from your stool, which can lead to constipation if there is not enough water left over to keep the stool lubricated.
Try a high fibre diet - many greasy or stodgy foods are seriously lacking in natural fibre, and can cause constipation. Fruits, vegetables and cereals can all add natural dietary fibre, which can allow easier passing of stool.
Try exercise - moving around changes your blood pressure and blood flow. While you are sitting down, less blood is flowing to your intestines, which can lead to your bowel slowing down its processes. Standing and moving around after long periods sitting down, or even light exercise, can both help move things along.
Check your medications - a large number of medications, such as opiates and antidepressants, can cause reactions in the nerves of the gut, causing constipation. Double check your medication’s Patient Information Leaflet (check medicines.org if you cannot find it) to see if you are experiencing side effects.
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How does Normacol work?
Normacol contains a mixture of natural, herbal ingredients. Stericula is an extract from the karaya tree, a vegetable gum which allows for the formation of a soft, bulky stool, and provides a mild laxative effect, encouraging the intestine to begin moving again and absorbing less water.
Frangula bark is taken from the alder buckthorn plant, and has similar properties to Stericula. The combination of the two provides gentle, predictable relief from constipation.
Side Effects
Normacol Plus Sachets Side Effects
As with all medications, some users may experience side effects when using Normacol Plus Sachets - however, most will not.
- Blockage of the bowel, with stomach pain
- Swollen stomach
- Flatulence
- The oesophagus may be blocked if too much Normacol is taken, or if it is taken without enough water.
- Allergic reactions, including skin rashes, difficulty breathing, or itching
- Diarrhoea
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Discoloration of the colon (melanosis coli)
If you experience any side effects, including ones not listed here, stop using this product and speak to your doctor or pharmacist.
Info Leaflet
Before taking any medication, it is important to read the Patient Information Leaflet. You can find information leaflets for your medicines by typing them into the search bar at medicines.org, or by contacting us.
How To Use Normacol Plus Granules
Sprinkle a dose directly onto the tongue, or onto a spoon or the hand as required. You can also take these granules on top of soft food, such as yoghurt.
Swallow with plenty of water or a cool drink, to make sure the granules do not get stuck in the throat.
Do not chew or crush the granules.
Dosage - Adults and the Elderly
Take 1 or two sachets, or one or two heaped 5ml teaspoons, once or twice per day after meals. Do not take this medication while lying down or just before bed.
Children 6-12 Years - give as directed by your doctor.
Not suitable for children under 6. Only use in children aged 6-12 at the direction of your doctor.
Warnings for use of Normacol Plus Sachets
Do not take this medication if you are allergic to sterculia, frangula, or any of the listed ingredients.
Do not use this product if you have a blockage in your intestine, if you have total loss of muscle tone in your colon, or have a faecal impaction. Do not use alongside any other medications to treat constipation.
Do not use this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
If you suffer from ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease or any other medical conditions, or are taking any other medications, speak to your doctor before using this product.
This product is for relief from occasional constipation. If you need to take a laxative for more than a week, speak to your doctor.
Normacol Granules Ingredients
Active Ingredients - sterculia (62|%) and frangula bark (8%).
Other Ingredients - sodium hydrogen carbonate, sucrose, talc, hard paraffin, peppermint flavour and the colours E110, E127 and E132.