In February 2024, Mounjaro was launched to the UK market to tackle obesity and health issues related to weight. Mounjaro was initially used to treat diabetes but is now licensed and authorised by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) for weight loss and management.

Mounjaro uses Tirzepatide as its active ingredient – this stimulates the action of natural hormones in the body which play a vital role in regulating blood sugar levels and appetite. In doing so, it helps reduce hunger and promotes a feeling of fullness which leads to weight loss when combined with other behavioural changes.

While being licensed and authorised by the MHRA means you can be assured of the safety of a medication, it can still present some risks. In this article, we will cover these, as well as the benefits of using Mounjaro. 

Weight Loss Injections from £149 / Month

What Are the Risks of Taking Mounjaro?

Mounjaro is considered a safe medication, which is well-tolerated by the majority of users. However, as with all medications, there are possible side effects. 

The most common side effects include: 

  • Nausea 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Constipation 
  • Indigestion.

Uncommon side effects may also include:

  • Pancreatitis 
  • Gallbladder problems 
  • Allergic reactions 
  • Hypoglycaemia.

Contra-indications (situations or conditions you may experience which would mean that Mounjaro is not suitable) include being previously diagnosed with or having family history of MTC, kidney disease, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

These areas of risk are well understood and researched within the safety profile of the medication. Our prescribers use the assessment process to fully understand the medical profile of a patient, so they can determine the suitability of Mounjaro against these risks. Medications are only prescribed after this information is carefully examined by members of our clinical team.

Mounjaro is a once weekly medication, which means you only need to inject once every seven days – ideally on the same day each week. The best method is to pick a day of the week that is a most suitable day to inject, then stick to the same day of the week going forward.

Everyone who starts a journey with Mounjaro will start on the lowest dose of 2.5mg for four doses (one dose each week), then increase to 5mg for four doses. This increase in doses every four weeks continues until a maintenance dose is reached, which will be your dose going forward.

This process is known as titration, and it’s done this way to allow the body to get used to the medication and to adjust to any side effects in a safe and manageable way.

Starting at higher doses, or ‘skipping’ doses along the journey increases the risk of side effects. If you do this, your body may struggle to adjust to the medication and you may be more likely to want to stop treatment early without receiving any of the benefits.

By sticking to the 7-day rule and moving up the dosage strengths as prescribed, titration will help you to achieve long term weight loss through the safest and most effective route.

Like all weight loss pens, the medication needs to be injected. But unlike a typical syringe, these pens use a pen needle cap with a small, thin needle as the medication only needs to be injected below the skin.

For those people who feel uncomfortable at the thought of using a needle, be reassured that the safety design of the pens alongside a full set of usage instructions and a whole range of support videos and guidance means every effort has gone into ensuring minimal discomfort and pain when using the pens.

If, however, you still feel uneasy or uncomfortable injecting yourself in this way, Mounjaro may not be the right option for you. Speak to your healthcare provider for more advice and to explore other avenues of weight management. 

What Are the Benefits of Taking Mounjaro?

Early research has shown that Mounjaro is the most effective weight loss injection available in the UK. According to recent clinical trials, some people have reported up 22.5% weight loss after 72 weeks, having gone through the dosage titration and reached the highest maintenance dose of 15mg per week.  

Mounjaro is the latest in a series of weight loss pens, including Saxenda and Wegovy, available to the UK market for tackling weight loss and facilitating weight management.

It’s important to remember that each brand of weight loss pen has a different active ingredient, and varies slightly in the way they’re used, their potential benefits and side effects. Due to this, we recommend taking your time to explore and research each option, and seek as much information as you need to help you in making your decision.

Please bear in mind that whichever weight pen you decide to use, it’s only one part of your weight loss journey. The best outcomes are achieved when the pens are used alongside a weight management plan that includes dietary changes by adopting a low-calorie diet and increased physical exercise to deliver long term behavioural and lifestyle changes.