Simple Online Pharmacy 2024 GLP-1 Weight Loss Survey - Changes in Attitude Towards Self and From Others Resulting from Change in Weight

One aspect of weight loss we wanted to hone in on and understand was the stigma around living with obesity, and how patients felt this changed as they lost weight. Unlike many forms of bias or discrimination (for example, based on someone’s disability, race or gender), someone’s weight can change materially over time, and we were keen to understand if our patients had experienced any kind of weight stigma, and what differences they had noticed since losing weight.

We asked patients to let us know what impact losing weight had on them beyond their health;

Self esteem and confidence about body image in particular jumped out as having improved since losing weight.

We asked the question “How much do you agree with this statement: Since losing weight, I have noticed attitudes in other people towards me have changed.

Rather staggeringly, 54% agreed, and 28% strongly agreed. However, it was the comments we received when we asked for more details on how other people’s attitudes had changed that really shocked us. A break down of how the comments were categorised is shown;

Of the patients that noted a change in attitude towards them, 49% relate to categories that describe weight related bias, stigma and discrimination specifically.

People felt that, once they had lost weight, they were seen as more capable, competent and taken more seriously. Some felt more included, and for some they received less negative comments and felt people were less judgmental of them.

Almost a sixth of people surveyed felt that people were nicer to them; more positive, friendly and respectful. The comments shared by patients of the differences they had observed were stark and shocking; here are a selection of comments for each category to bring this more to life. Please note, these questionnaires were completed anonymously; we cannot attribute these quotes.

Comments on their Weight Loss

People have congratulated me on losing weight

They’re amazed when the weight has gone off me so quick

Family members and friends are shocked of how much weight I have lost

Compliments about their Appearance

Just so many nice compliments which I didn’t get before

My partner appeared to be more interested in me

Positively Responding to Increased Confidence/Mood

I feel more positive & people react with me more positively

Colleagues noticed I was happier and more confident.

I feel more confident in myself, which makes others more comfortable around me

Positive about their Health and Wellbeing Improvement

Positive comments about my healthy appearance and energy

Some people have said they notice an overall difference for me for the better

My friends have remarked that I'm happier and socialise more often

Generally Nicer and More Respectful

People are generally much nicer

People are nicer more appreciative in general

I think people respect thin people more. Its an unconscious bias but it’s definitely there

Less Judgement and Negative Comments

People just saw me as a fat older person with no outlook, but at 63 I still work full time with no problem and I'm very independent. I even keep just a few of the clothes I used to wear as a reminder not to go back there

I used to get called fat all the time especially when I was working, I work in hospitality

When you’re fat you’re judged. I’ve noticed that people seem to notice me now

More Noticed, More Seen, More Included

I am noticed more and listened to

I think you just feel more accepted instead of people looking at you as the fat, overweight one

People talk to me more, and are more polite

Seen as More Capable and More Competent

At meetings I have found more attention being paid to my input

I work as a physio in the NHS. Now I look like I can follow the health advice I provide and am perceived fitter and I feel taken more seriously professionally as a result

I feel that as a larger person, people treat you differently in a negative way. Like I am stupid, useless. As I was loosing weight people start talking to me and acknowledging me.

Once you love yourself and your body again your attitude towards others changes and vice-versa, you feel more respect by others, your self-esteem is coming back, you feel more powerful, more beautiful.

We also asked “What else in your life has improved”. Sleep was the most commonly selected - over 50% of all respondents felt their sleep schedule had improved. When looking at the factor that made it hardest for people to eat healthily, being tired was the most commonly selected - this suggests that sleep plays a hugely significant part in eating healthily and managing weight. The more tired we are the harder it is for us to eat healthily, the more weight we gain, which reduces the quality of our sleep.

A lack of sleep can also have direct results on your weight loss journey. Hormones such as leptin and ghrelin will be out of balance within your body, which can lead to increased hunger and lower satiety (feeling “full” after eating). Your body knows it needs more energy, and will drive you to eat more to gain that energy.

Interrupting this negative sleep / tiredness cycle could have a significant impact on our ability to get into healthy habits and improve what we eat.

For those in the higher BMI categories, their relationship with their children and family was selected as the next most improved, while relationship with partner was selected for those with a BMI of 30-34.

Overall, 26% of respondents reported an improvement in their sex life from losing weight! As we can see, weight loss is about more than numbers on a scale; for many, it can give material benefits in their day to day lives.